
GMFK supports community involvement in sickle cell disease awareness in Brazzaville

On June 22, 2024, at the Russian House (formerly the Russian Embassy) in Brazzaville, the GMFK (Gesellschaftfür Medizinische Forschung in der Republik Kongo) took part in the closing gala organized by the Health Community Association. The event marked the conclusion of an extensive sickle cell disease awareness campaign, launched on May 2, 2024.
Activities included interactive discussions on the challenges and solutions in the fight against sickle cell disease through a round table discussion, inspiring artistic performances to raise awareness through poetry via slam, moving testimonials from people affected by this genetic disease, plays dramatizing sickle cell disease-related situations for better understanding, impassioned pleas for better public health policies, as well as a variety of entertainment to end the event on a positive note.
GMFK's participation in this event reflects its ongoing commitment to public health and biomedical research, particularly in low-income countries. GMFK's mission is to identify the needs of African partners and communicate them to interested stakeholders in Germany for effective impact, to support biomedical research conducted in these countries while strengthening human resources and especially youth. By participating in this event, GMFK strengthened its ties with the Health Community Association and other local players, while underlining the importance of awareness-raising and community involvement in the fight against sickle cell disease.